To chatwith students 1. Click Chat .
TheChat view appears.
2. Click All C omputersor All Studentsto chat with all students.
Click a group’stab to c hatw ith only students in the group.
3. Typea message in the Message box, andthen click Send.
Yourmessage appearsin the History area of the Chat view.
Yourmessage also appearsin the equivalentt abof thestudents’ SMART Sync
StudentChat dialogbox.
oEachstudent’s SMART S ync StudentChat dialog box hasa tab for
everygroupt hes tudentis amember of.
oStudentscan’t view agroup’s chat history if they’re not in that group.
oIf yours tudentshaven’t openedt heirSMART S ync StudentChat
dialogboxes, tell them to double-click the SMART Sync icon in the
notificationarea, andt henclic k Chat.
4. Enablestudent chat (see Enablingand Disabling StudentChat on page 56).
If youdon’t enablestudent chat, students can’t replyto your message.
Whena student creates a new message in the SMART Sync Student Chat dialog
box,the message appearsin SMAR T Sync Teacherin t heH istoryarea of the
Chatview. If the students endsa message to a specific group,the message
appearsin SMART Sync Teacher ont heequivalent grouptab.
5. Continueto add new messages andview y ourst udents’replies.
6. Disablestudent chat when you’re finished(see Enabling andD isablingStudent
Chaton page 56).
| CH A P T ER 6 – C H A T T I N G