Clearingthe QuestionHi story 51
Chatting 53
Chattingwith St udents 53
Savingthe Chat Hist ory 55
Clearingthe Chat History 55
EnablingandDis ablingStudent Chat 56
Sending andReceiving Files 59
SendingFiles to Students 59
ReceivingFiles from a Student 61
ClearingFiles from the File List 61
Controlling Accessto Applications 63
Creatingand Using ApplicationBlock ingR ules 63
Startingand Closing Applications 68
Controlling Accessto the Internet 73
BlockingInternet Access 73
Creatingand Using InternetBlock ingR ules 74
Working with OtherTeachers and TeacherAides 79
ControllingTeacherAides 79
DisconnectingTeacher Aides 80
Joininga Class as a Teacher Aide 80
Configuring SMART Sync Teacher 83
Settingthe Language 84
Connectingto SMART Sync Class List Server 85
Settingthe Lock-Out Message 87
Settingthe Optimization Preferences 88
Settingthe Control Preferences 89
Settingthe Broadcast Preferences 90
Settingthe Digital Ink’s Appearance 91
Settingthe File Transfer Preferences 92
Settinga User Authentication Password 93
Settingthe Advanced Preferences 94
Settingthe LoggingPreferences 99
Sending Feedbackto SMART 101
CustomerSupport 103
OnlineInformationand Support 103
Training 103
TechnicalSupport 103
GeneralInquires 104
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