BlockingInternet Access 73
Creatingand Using InternetBlock ingR ules 74
CreatingInternet Blocking Rules 74
SharingInternetBlocki ngRules 76
Activatingand Deactivating Internet Blocking Rules 76
Youcan control students’ access to the Internet either by blocking access to the entire
Internetor by allowing orblocking access tospecific webpages throughInternet
Blocking Internet Access
Youcan block your students’ access t o the entireInternet.
Whena blocked student starts Internet ExplorerInternet browser, a message
appearsindicatingthat access tothe Internet is restricted. When a blocked
studentstarts any other Internet browser, thepointer displays as an hourglass,
anda connectiont imedout message may appear.
To block Internetaccess 1. Click All C omputersor All Studentsto apply the block to all students.
Click a group’stab to apply the block to only s tudentsin t hegroup.
2. Click InternetBlock .
To removethe block Click Internet Block .