StudentsListThestudents list appears on the rights ideof t heinterface when you’re in the Questions,
Chat,File Transfer, Applications or Internetv iew.
TheThumbnailsv iew andt heC ollaborationview don’t includethe st udentslist .
Youcan get the same informationfrom the students’ thumbnails.
Thestudents list includes:
lAllt hec urrentlyconnected students (if you’re viewing theA ll Studentsor All
lAllt hec urrentlyconnected students in a group(if you’re viewing a group’st ab).
Whenyou select one or mores tudentsin t hes tudentslis t, you can interact with the
selectedstudents using SMART Sync features,including locking students’ desktops,
broadcasting,chatting, sendingand receivingf iles, conductingpolls and more.
Thesymbol next to each student’s name indicates the student’s status. The symbols
appearbelowin order of most important status (Disconnected)to the least important
Symbol Status Description
Disconnected Thestudentis disconnected.
LockedOut Thestudent is locked out.
Vote Thestudent has yet to respondto a v ote.
VoteYes Thestudent has respondedaffirmatively to a
VoteN o The student has respondednegatively to a vote.
Question Thestudenthas asked a question.
Chat Thestudent has receiveda new c hatmess age.
Application Block Thestudent is blocked from using oneor more
InternetBlock Thestudent is blocked from using the Internet.
Connected Thestudentis connected.
Whenmore thanone status appliesto a student, the most important symbol appears.
Forexample, if a student is both connected andlocked out, t heLocked Out symbol
displaysbeside the student’s name.
| CH A P T ER 1 – GE T T I N G S T AR T E D