View Description
FileTransfer Usingthe File Transfer view, you can send files to y ourclass, toa
grouport o selecteds tudentsand receive files from them. The view is
dividedinto Sent Files, which lists the files you’vesent to students,
andReceived Files, which lists the files you’ve receivedfrom
Inthe File Transfer view, you can also:
lCancela file transfer
lOpena sent file
lOpena receivedf ile
lCleara file from the list
Applications Usingthe Applications view, you can block applications on your
students’computers, giving you complete controlover the
applicationsyour students can use. You can also remotelyst artand
closeapplications on your students’ computers.
Internet Usingthe Internet view, y ouc anblock s tudentsf romusing specified
websitesand pages.
Inall vi ews, you can lock student desktops, block Internet access, s endan
announcementand conduct a poll.
Main Toolbarand MenusAlthoughyou can access some buttons and menuoptions in any view, some buttons
andmenu optionsare specific t o a particularview. For example, the
Shut Downbutton appears only in the Thumbnailsview.
Whenyou select a view, thetoolbar buttons andmenu options changeto the buttons and
optionsappropriatefor that view.
GroupTabsIf you want to interact with some students but not with the entire class, you can create
groups.Each time you create a group,SMART Sy nc creates a tab for the newgroup
(seeWorking with Groups onpage 13).
Dependingonyour viewing options, the main tab is namedA ll Computersor
AllSt udents.
| CH A P T ER 1 – GET TI N G S T A R T E D