Broadcasting andCommunicating
Broadcasting 32
BroadcastingYourD esktop 32
Broadcastinga Student’s Desktop 33
GivingControl to a Student Duringa B roadcast 34
WritingOver a Broadcast 35
SendinganA nnouncement 36
Conductinga Poll 37
SharingMedia 37
Sharinga MediaFile 38
Playingthe Media File 39
Sharinga Web Page 40
SMART Sync makes it easy for you to interact with y ourst udents.W hetheryou need to
communicatewith the entire class, a group oran individual student, you can use a
varietyof methods:
lBroadcastyour desktop
lBroadcasta student’s desktop
lPass controlof a broadcast to a student
lWritenotes over a student’s desktop
lSendan announcement
lConducta poll
lSharea web page