Working with OtherTeachers and Teacher Aides
ControllingTeacherAides 79
AllowingTeacher Aides 79
Respondingto a TeacherAide’s Request to Join 80
DisconnectingTeacher Aides 80
Joininga Class as a Teacher Aide 80
As the teacher,you can use SMART Sy nc to monitor, communicatewit h andcontrol
yourclass. Youcan also allow colleagues limited access to SMART Sy nc so that they
canmonitor your class. SMART S ync refers to these additionalteachers as teacher
aides.They can access t hethumbnail view and monitort hew holeclass, agroup or an
individualstudent. However, teacheraides can monitor your class only if y oupermit it.
Youhave total control over who can access your class.
At any time, you can view which teacher aides havejoined your class. You can also
withdrawa teacher aide’s access to your class.
Controlling Teacher Aides
Youcan allow up to five teacher aides at a time.
Teacheraidesc anmonitor classes, groupsands tudents, butt hey can’t use the more
advancedfeaturesof SMART Sync, s uchas taking control ofa student’s desktop,
lockingout students, blocking applications andI nternetaccess, andso on.
If you think you might accept a join requestfrom a teacher aide,s elect Options > Allow
TeacherAides. This activates theteacher aides feature,but you can still prevent
specific teacheraides from joining yourclass by decliningtheir request to join.