Observingthe Class 17
Observinga Student’s Desktop 20
Controllinga Student’s Desktop 22
WritingOver a Desktop 24
Capturingan Imageof a St udent’sD esktop 25
LockingStudent Desktops 26
DisconnectingStudents 27
DisconnectingStudents 27
ControllingStudent Disconnection 28
ShuttingDown, Logging Off andR estartingStudents’ Computers 29
Youcan view a w indowor full sc reenimage of a student’s desktop, take sole control of a
student’sdesktop or share controlw ith the student. You canalso observe and control
yourentire class using locks, s hutdownsand more.
Observing the Class
Youcan view images of your students’ screens using the Thumbnailsview, enablingyou
todetermine at a glancew hethereveryone is focused on the assignedtask.
Whenyou’re observinga class orgroupyou can:
lLockst udentdesktops (see page 26)
lBlock studentacc ess to the Internet (seepage 73)
lConducta poll (see page37)
lViewand answer your students’ questions (seepage 49)
lBroadcastyour desktop (see page32)