ViewsEachview containsa subset of the features in SMART Sync:
View Description
Thumbnails Whenyou start SMART Sync, you see thumbnails(miniature
images)of the connected students’ desktops. Theset humbnails
changein realt ime (thoughslightly delayed)w ith every instance of
studentinput. You can customize the appearanceof the Thumbnails
view byediting thumbnailnames, changingt humbnailsizes and
rearrangingthe thumbnails.
Inthe Thumbnails view, you can:
lObservethe class
lObserveand take controlof astudent’s desktop
lBroadcastyour desktop
lBroadcasta student’s desktop
lCapturean imageof a s tudent’sdeskt op
lSharemediaf iles
lSharea web page
lShutdown, log off or restart a student’s computer
Collaboration Usingthe Collaborationv iew, you can organizeand monitor
collaborativeassignments. You cans eparateyour class into groups
oftw o ort hree,distribute an assignmentf ort hemto c ompleteas a
groupandview theirprogress.
Questions Usingthe Questions view, y ouc anv iew, respondto and save your
Chat UsingSMAR T Sync, you can chat with y ourwhole class, aspecific
groupors electedst udents.The Chat v iew displays all the chat
messages,including messages betweenstudents.
Inthe Chat v iew, you can:
lChatwit h the entireclass orselected groups
lControlstudent chat
lSavethe current chat session as a text f ile
lClearthe chat history
| CH A P T ER 1 –G E T TI N G S T A R T ED