Startingan Applicationon Students’ComputersYoucan remotely start an applicationon every student’s computer. For example,you
canstart an application on everys tudent’s computerbefore class starts, s o everyone
sits down to the same program.
If SMART Classroom Suite™ interactive learningsoftware is installed on your
students’computers, you can start SMART N otebookSE evenif it isn’t installed
onyour computer.
To startan application on
1. Click Applications .
TheApplications view appears.
2. Click All C omputersor All Studentsto start an application for all students.
Click a group’stab to s tart anapplication for only students in the group.
3. Click Launch .
TheLaunchA pplicationsdialog box appears.
4. Selectan application, and thenclic k Launch.
With theexc eptionof SMAR T NotebookSE , an applicationmust be
installedon your computerto appear in the LaunchApplications dialogbox.
Theapplication starts on the selected students’ computers.
oIf the applicationstarts s uccessfully on all the selected students’
computers,a message appearsindicating that the applicationlaunched
successfully. Click OK to clear the message.
oIf the applicationisn’t installed on a selected student’s computer, a
messageappearsindicating that the applicationf ailedto launch on that
student’scomputer. Click OK to clear the message.
5. Repeatstep 4 for each applicationy ouw antt o start on the students’ computers.
6. Click OK.
| CH A P T ER 8 –C ON T R O L L I N G A C C ES S T O A P P L I C A T I O N S