To saveyour rules as a
SYNCRULES file 1. Click Application .
TheApplication view appears.
2. SelectA ctions> Save Rules.
TheSave As dialog box appears.
3. Browseto the location where you want to save the file.
4. Typea name for the file in the File namebox.
5. Click Save.
1. Click Application .
TheApplication view appears.
2. SelectA ctions> Load Rules.
TheOpen dialogbox appears.
3. Browseto and select the SYNC RULES file.
4. Click Open.
Activatingand DeactivatingApplicationBlockingRulesAftercreating or loadingan application blockingrule, you can activate it tocontrol
students'acc ess to applications.
To activatea rule 1. ClickA pplications .
TheApplications view appears.
2. Click All C omputersor All Studentsto activate the rule for all students.
Click a group’stab to activ ate the rulefor only students in the group.
3. Selectthe rule.
| CH A P T ER 8 –C O N TR O L L I N G A C C E S S T O A P P L IC A T I O N S