To changethumbnail
information 1. ClickThumbnails .
TheThumbnailsv iew appears.
2. SelectVi ew> Thumbnail Name/Description.
3. SelectLogon ID,Student ID or Student Name.
Working with GroupsIf you want to interact with some students but not the entirec lass, you can create
Whenyou create a group,SMART Sync createsa t abfor the group. Dependingon your
viewingoptions, the default grouptab is named All Computers orAll St udents.
Whenyou select a group’s tab, you can interact with the membersof thatgroup. For
example,you can lock the group’s desktops, broadcastyour desktop to the group, chat
witht hegroup, send a file to the group,c onducta poll of the group andmore.
By creatinggroups, you can tailor specific actions to a certain section of the class. For
example,you can create a groupmade upof studentswho are easily distracted, and
thenmonitor the computerscreens of that group.
Youcan also edit the members of existing groupsand delete groupsthat you no longer
Changingthe Typeof Class
Dependingonyour viewing options, the default grouptab is named All Computers orAll
Students.The All Computers groupincludes every computerin your lab and namest he
thumbnailsusing the computername. The All Students groupincludes every student in
yourclass and names the thumbnailsusing the student ID.
To changefrom a lab
to a class
SelectVi ew> View Class As > Student Class List.
To changefrom a class
to a lab
SelectVi ew> View Class As > Computer Lab.
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