To writeover a student’s
desktopusing an
1. Observeor take control of a student’s desktop (seeObserving a Student’s
Desktopon page 20 orC ontrollinga Student’s Desktop on page22).
2. Pick up a pentray pen and write on the interactivew hiteboard.
3. Putthe pen tray pen back in its slot whenyou’re finished.
Whenyou next make contact wit h the interactivew hiteboard,your notes
To writeover a student’s
desktopusing the toolbar
1. Observeor take control of a student’s desktop (seeObserving a Student’s
Desktopon page 20 orC ontrollinga Student’s Desktop on page22).
2. Click Pen .
3. Click anddrag your mouse across yourdeskt opt o write in digital ink.
4. Click Select whenyou’re finished.
Yournotes disappear.
Capturing an Image of a Student’s DesktopWhenyou’re observinga student, you can capture an imageof the st udent’sdesktop and
saveit asa graphics file for your records.
To capturean image of a
1. Click Thumbnails .
TheThumbnailsv iew appears.
2. Selectthe thumbnail of the student whose desktop you want to capture.
3. Click Capture .
TheSave As dialog box appears.
4. Typea new name for the file in the File namebox if youdon’t want to use the
defaultfile name.
Thedefault file name containst hes tudent’sname, followed by the date
andthe time of the screen capture.
| CH A P T ER 2 – OB S E R V I N G A N D C O N TR O L L I N G S T U D EN T S