2. Click All C omputersor All Studentsto send the file to all students.
Click a group’stab to s endthe file to only s tudentsin t hegroup.
Selectst udents’names in the students list tosend the file to only those st udents.
3. Click Send File .
TheSend File dialogbox appears.
4. Browseto and select the file you want t o send,and then click Send.
Whenthe file transfer begins, the file nameappears in the Sent Files list. When
thetransfer is complete, the status changes from the percentagetransferredto
oIf you want to cancel a file transfer that’s in progress,s elect the file
inthe Sent Files list, and then click C ancel .No portion of the file
is transferredandt hefi le is removedfrom the Sent Files list.
oIf a studentdisc onnects while a file transferis inprogress, SMART
Sync sendst hef ile to the student afterhe or she reconnects.
To open a sentfile 1. Click File Transfer .
TheFile Transfer view appears.
2. Click All C omputersor All Studentsif you sent the file to all s tudents.
Click a group’stab if yousent the file to only s tudentsin t hegroup.
3. Selectthe file.
4. Click Open File .
| CH A P T ER 7 – SE N D I N G A N D R EC E I V I N G F I L E S