To controla student’s
desktopin Window mode 1. Click Thumbnails .
TheThumbnailsv iew appears.
2. Selectthe student’s thumbnail, andt henclic k Control .
Thestudent’s desktop appearsin Window mode.
Whilecontrolling the student’s desktop in Window mode,y ouc an:
oClick Observe tostop controllingt hes tudent’sdeskt opbut
continueviewing it (see page20).
oClick Broadcast tobroadcast thes tudent’s desktop(see page
oClick Capture tocapture an imageof t hes tudent’sdeskt op(see
oClick Pen to write ont hes tudent’sdeskt op(see page 24).
3. Click Stop tost opc ontrollingthe student’s desktop.
To controla student’s
desktopin Full Screen
1. Click Thumbnails .
TheThumbnailsv iew appears.
2. Selectthe student’s thumbnail, andt henclic k Control .
Thestudent’s desktop appearsin Window mode.
| CH A P T ER 2 – O B S E R V I N G A N D CO N T RO L L I N G S T UD E N T S