To writeover a broadcast
using theMy Desktop
1. Broadcastyour desktop or a student’s desktop(see Broadcasting YourD esktop
onpage 32or Broadcasting a Student’s Desktop on page33).
2. Click Pen onthe My Desk topt oolbar.
3. Click anddrag your mouse across yourdeskt opt o write in digital ink.
4. Click Select whenyou’re finished.
Yournotes disappear.
Sending an AnnouncementYoucan send an announcementto your wholec lass or a specific group.
Alternatively,you can chat wit h yourw holeclass or a specific group (see
Chattingon page53).
To sendan announcement 1. Click All C omputersor All S tudentsto send the announcementto all students.
Click a group’stab to s endthe announcementto only students in the group.
Selectst udents’names in the students list to send the announcementto only
2. Click Announce .
TheAnnouncedialog box appears.
3. Typea message in the Announcementbox, and then click OK.
Yourmessage appearson the students’ screens.
| CH A P T E R 3 – B R O A D C A S T I N G AND COM M U N I C A T I N G