messagesto students and receive replies,s endfiles toyour students, organize student
If you’reusing SMART Sync wit ha SMAR T Board™interactive whiteboard,you can
writenotes using a pen tray pen andyour students will see your notes on their desktops.
If you’reworking at a computer, you can write notes using the tools in SMART Sync.
Starting SMART SyncWhenyou first s tart SMART Sync, you create a teacher ID and class. Students can then
connectto the class (seeConnecting to Students on next page).
Everyclass is unique.The only similarity between two classes may bethe room in
whichthey’re taught. Everything else may be different, includingthe students, the
seatingplan andmore.
Teachersandc lasses can be administered,which means they’re centrally definedin a
SMART Schoolf ile (seeConnecting to SMART Sy nc Class List Server on page85), or
non-administered,which means they’re defined in yourc omputer'sinstallation of
lIf you select a non-administeredclass when you start SMART Sync, youcan
savechanges to your class at any t ime.
lIf you select an administeredclass, y ouc an’t save changesto the original file, but
youcan save it witha new name.
(Administered)appearsbesideadministered classes in the Welcome to SMART
Sync dialogbox.
To createa new teacherID 1. Double-clickthe SMART Sync Teacher2010 icon on your desktop.
TheSMART Sync windowand the Welcome to SMART Sync dialogbox appear.
2. Typethe teacher ID in the Teacher box.
Theteacher ID can’t contain the following characters: \ / : * ? < > | "
3. Click OK.
Amessage appears, asking if you want to create a new teacherI D.
| CH A P T ER 1 – GE T T I N G S T AR T E D