StartingCollaborative Assignments 43
CompletingCollaborativeAss ignments 44
MonitoringCollaborativeAssignments 46
ViewingCompleted Assignments 47
UsingSMAR T Sync, you can separatey ourclass intogroups of two or three students,
distributean assignment fort hemto c ompletecollaboratively and monitortheir progress.
Afterthey c ompletethe task i ndividually,the st udentsin each groupc anc omparetheir
answers,agree upontheir group’sc ollective responseand then sendt his to you for
Starting Collaborative Assignments
Youcan distribute an assignmentto y ourclass forthem to complete in groupsof twoor
To startcollaborative
1. Click Collaboration .
TheCollaborationview appears.
2. SelectTwo studentsper group or Three studentsper group to set t hesiz e of
3. Click Browse.
TheOpen dialogbox appears.
4. Browseto and select the collaborative assignmentfi le, andthen click Open.