Creating,Editingand Deleting GroupsTo createa group 1. SelectEdit > AddGroup.
TheNew Group dialogbox appears.
2. Typea name for the groupin the Groupname box.
3. Optionally,select the All ow studentsto join this group on their owncheck
boxto allow st udentsto join or leave this group.
If you don’ts elect this check box, only you can add or removestudents
fromthe group.
4. Click OK.
Thegroupappears as a new tab in the main SMART Sync window.
To edit a group 1. Select the group’st ab.
2. SelectEdit > Modify Group.
TheEdit New Group dialogbox appears.
3. Optionally,change thename of the group in the Namebox.
4. Optionally,add students to or removethem from the group:
oToadd a student, select the student’s name in the Students list, and then
click Add.
oToremove a student, select the student’s name in the GroupMembers list,
andthen click Remove.
5. Optionally,select the All ow studentsto join this group on their owncheck
boxto allow st udentsto join or leave this group.
If you don’ts elect this check box, only you can add or removestudents
fromthe group.
6. Click OK.
| CH A P T ER 1 – GE T T I N G S T A R TE D