2. Selectthe teacher ID you want f romthe list .
Clearthe current teacherID andenter anotherone.
3. Selectthe class youwant.
4. Click OK.
TheSMART Sync titlebar changes to reflect the teacherI D and class.
Studentsconnected to the previoust eacherID receive a message asking them if
theywant t o switch to the new teacher ID. They must c lick Yes to connect to the
newteacher ID.
To savea
SelectFil e > Save Class.
To savean administered
classor to save a class
with a newname
1. SelectFil e > Save ClassA s.
Adialog box appears.
2. Typea new class name,and thencli ck Save.
Navigating the User InterfaceTheSMART Sync userinterface consists of four components:
lMaintoolbar andmenu
| CH A P T ER 1 – GE T T I N G S T A R TE D