Saving the Chat HistoryDuringyour chat, you can save the chat history as a text file.
Onlyteachers can save the chat history.
Youcan also copy the chat history by s electingtext andpressing CTRL+C.
To savethe chat history 1. Click Chat .
TheChat view appears.
2. Click the group’stab wit h thec hat history you want to view and save.
3. Click Save .
TheSave As dialog box appears.
4. Browseto the folder where you want to save the file.
5. Typea name in the File namebox.
6. Click Save.
Clearing the Chat HistoryYoucan clear chat history for the current grouptab.
To clearthe chat history 1. Click Chat .
TheChat view appears.
2. Click All C omputersor All Studentsto clear the chat history for all students.
Click a group’stab to c learthe chat history for only the students in that group.
| CH A P T ER 6 –C H A T T I N G