Creatingand Using ApplicationBlock ingR ules 63
CreatingApplication Blocking Rules 64
SharingApplicationBlocki ngRules 66
Activatingand Deactivating Application Blocking Rules 67
Startingand Closing Applications 68
Startingan Application onSt udents’C omputers 69
Closingan Application on Students’ Computers 70
Youcan block your students’ access t o specific applications usingc ustomized
applicationblocking rules.
Inaddition, you can start and close applications onst udents’c omputersfrom your
Creating and Using Application Blocking
Youcan set up application blockingrules as either:
lAlis t of restricted applications(which blocks studentsfrom openingany
applicationon the list)
lAlis t of approvedapplications (which blocks students from openingany
applicationthat’s not on the list)