Chattingwith St udents 53
Savingthe Chat Hist ory 55
Clearingthe Chat History 55
EnablingandDis ablingStudent Chat 56
SMART Sync allows you to chat with yourwhole class or a specific group.By restricting
yourcomments to a group,you don’tdistract students with messages that don’tapply to
them.You can also send a private messaget o selecteds tudents.
Youcan view all c hatmess ages,including the ones betweens tudents, in the History
areaof the Chat view. Students can view messagessent to the entire class as w ell as
messagessent to the groups they’re membersof.
Chatting with Students
Youcan chat with s tudentsin t heC hat view in SMART Sync Teacher.
If SMART Sync Student is in Hi ddenmode, students can’t initiate chat even if
youallow it. However,t heyc anrespond to chat if you initiate it.
UseS MART Sync’s announcementfeature instead of the chat featureto s enda
messageto selected students (see Sendingan Announcementon page 36).