3. Click Full Screen .
Thestudent’s desktop appearsin Full Screen mode with a toolbar.
Whilecontrolling the student’s desktop in Full Screenmode, you can:
oSelectMenu > Observeto stop controlling the student’s desktop,
butto continue viewing it (see page 20).
oSelectMenu >Broadcastto broadcastt hes tudent’sdesktop (see
oSelectMenu >Captureto capture an imageof t hest udent’s
desktop(see page25).
oClick Pen to write ont hes tudent’sdeskt op(see page 24).
4. SelectMenu > Stop Controlling to stop controlling the student’s desktop.
SelectMenu > View in Window Mode to continue controllingthe student’s
desktop,but in Window mode.
Writing Over a DesktopIf you’reobserving or controllinga student’s desktop, you can write over that student’s
desktop.Your notes are visible only on that student’s desktop.
lIf you’reworking on a SMART Board interactive whiteboard,you can write notes
usinga pen tray pen.
Youcan change the appearanceoft hedigital ink using the options in Floating
lIf you’reworking at your computer, you can write notes usingt het oolbar.
Youcan change the digitalink’s width, colorand transparencyin SMAR T Sync’s
Thedigital ink is temporaryand theunderlyingapplication is unaffectedby your notes. If
youwant to s ave yournotes, capture the screen beforeyou clear the digital ink.
| CH A P T ER 2 – OB S E R V I N G A N D C O N T RO L L I N G S T U D E N TS