To returnthe optimization
preferencesto their default
1. SelectOptions > Preferences.
ThePreferencesdialog box appears.
2. Click the Optimization tab.
3. Click Defaults.
4. Click OK.
Setting the Control PreferencesBy default,y ouhave sole control of the student’s desktop. However, you can share
controlwith the student. If youshare control, both youand the student can control the
student’sdesktop. However, if bothof you are trying to control the desktopat thesame
time,y ouractions take precedence overthe st udent’s.
lIf you make a changethe control preferenceswhile you’re already
controllinga student’s desktop, the changetakes eff ect immediately. For
example,if you have sole control of a student’s desktop and youc hange
thesetting to Shared, you immediately share controlof t hes tudent’s
desktopwith t hest udent.
lIf you take controlof astudent’s computer andit ’s runningthe Windows
Vista operatingsystem, the control of the computer is always shared
regardlessof how you set the control preferences.When both you andthe
studenttry to c ontrolthe computer, the student’s actions take precedence.
To sharecontrol of a
1. SelectOptions > Preferences.
ThePreferencesdialog box appears.
2. Click the Control tab.
3. SelectShared.
4. Click OK.
| CH A P T ER 1 1 – CO N F I G U R IN G SM A R T SY N C T E A C H E R