3. SelectVi ew> Thumbnail Arrangement > AlphabeticalOrdering.
Thethumbnails arerearrangedin alphabeticalorder startingat theupper left
If a new student joins thec lass or group,that st udent’sthumbnail appears
inalphabetical orderin the thumbnailarrangement.
ResizingThumbnailsThereareadvantages anddisadvantages to increasingt hes ize of the thumbnails.I f you
makethem larger, it’s easier to see details, but you have to scroll to view some of the
thumbnails.If you make them smaller, you can view more of them without having to
scroll,but it ’s difficult to see details.
To resize thumbnails 1. Click Thumbnails .
TheThumbnailsv iew appears.
2. SelectVi ew> Thumbnail Size, and then select one of the followingoptions:
oVeryLarge (two thumbnails wide)
oLarge(threethumbnails wide)
oMedium(four thumbnailsw ide)
oSmall (fivethumbnails wide)
oVerySm all(six t humbnailswide)
oBestFit (automatically adjusts the thumbnail display to the best
ChangingThumbnailInformationWhenyou’re monitoringa class or group in the Thumbnailsview, y ouc andisplay the
student’slogon ID, st udentID orname below each thumbnail.
TheCollaborationview also displays this information.
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