5. Foreach additionaldocument you want to include with the assignment as a
resourcefile, click A dd,browse to and select the file, and then click Open.
If you want to removea previously included resourcefile, s elect the file and
click Remove.
6. Selectthe Al low students to chat check box to allow students to chat using
SMART Sync while they’re workingon the assignment.
Clearthe Allow students to chat check box to preventstudent chat.
7. Click Start .
TheCollaborationsidebar appearson the right side of each student’s desktop.
Thissidebar enablesthe st udentto open the assignment, openthe additional
resourcedocuments,v iew work completedby other groupmembers ands endthe
group’sfinal responseback to y ou.
Youcan monitor the progressof each group(see Monitoring Collaborative
Assignmentson page 46).
Afterall the groups complete the assignment,the CollaborationC ompletesc reen
appearsandenables you to view the assignments (see Viewing Completed
Assignmentson page 47).
Completing Collaborative AssignmentsAfteryour students receive the collaborativeassignment, they can complete the task
individually,compareanswers w ith otherst udentsin their group, agreeupon theirgroup’s
collectiveresponse and thens endthis t o you forreview.
TheCollaborationsidebar appearson the right side of each student’s desktop. This
sidebarenablesthe student to open resourcedocuments, view the status of their group
members’work, view work c ompletedby other groupmembers, and submit a final group
| CH A P T E R 4 – O R GA N I Z I N G COL L A B O R A T I O N