If students haveSMAR T Notebook™SE collaborativelearningsoftware 1.6 or
lateron their computers,all collaborativefiles openin new t absi n SMART
NotebookSE and students' work is savedto their binders automatically.
Eachgroup includesone student responsiblefor submitting the group’s final response.
SMART Sync selects this student randomly.
Thefollowing proceduremust be completedby thestudents on their computers. It is
providedhereto allow you to respond to any students who areunsure of how to proceed.
To completecollaborative
1. Readthe instructions in the CollaborationIndividual Work window, and then click
Theassignment appearsin the appropriateapplication.The Collaborations idebar
alsoappears onthe right side of the screen.
2. Completethe assignment.
Toview a resource file while completing the assignment,c lick its name
belowResourcesin t heC ollaborationsidebar.
3. Click Hand In in the Collaborationsidebar.
4. Click Yest o confirmy ouw antt o handin your assignment.
Thecollaborationsidebar displays the status of your groupmembers’ work:
oIf a studenthasn’t c ompletedthe work, the Collaborationsi debardisplays
Work not handed in below the student’s name.If youhover your mouse
overa thumbnail, a largerview of the st udent’ssc reenappears. If you
double-clicka thumbnail,a f ull screenvi ew of the student’s screen appears.
oIf a studenthas c ompletedthe work, the Collaborations idebardisplays
Work handed in belowt hest udent’sname. If allthe students in the group
havesubmitted their assignment, youc anc lick Work handed in t o display
thatst udent’swork.
Whenevery student in your grouphas handedin their assignments, the
CollaborationGroupWork window appearswith i nstructionson what y ouneed to
5. Readthe instructions, and then click OK.
| CH A P T ER 4 – OR G A N I Z IN G C O L L A B O R AT I O N