LZT 123 7263 R1C
4.11 AT*EPRW Ericsson Personal Ringtype Write

Writes phone number, phone number type and sound type in location

number <indexr>. It is possible to use wild cards for phone number by

substituting the digits with question marks. If writing fails an error,

+CME ERROR: <err>, is returned.

If all parameters but <indexr> are omitted, the personal ring type at

position <indexr> will be deleted.

5Beep. Not supported
6 Alarm. Not supported
7Calendar Tone. Not supported
8Calendar Click. Not supported
9-10 Reserved. Not supported
11 Melody 1
12-20 Melody 2. Melody 10 reserved for pre-set melodies
21-30 Reserved for melody 11-20. Not supported
31-38 Own melody 1-8
39-50 Reserved for own melodies. Not supported
<sound type> Description
Description Command Possible Responses
Request Personal
Ringtype Write
+CME ERROR <err>
Show if the command
is supported
AT*EPRW=? •*EPRW: (list of
>,(list of supported
<type>s),(list of
supported <sound
+CME ERROR <err>
<indexr> Description
1-50 Value of location number. The location number must be
free. If the given location number is not free, ERROR is
<number> Description
string type phone number of format <type>