LZT 123 7263 R1C
If this feature is not disabled by the SIM, then whenever a connection is
in place, which is or becomes deciphered, an indication is given via the
unsolicited result code *ECPV:<ciphering>.
Unsolicited Result Codes:
*ECPV: <ciphering>. Sent only when <switch> is set to 0.
Unsolicited Result Codes
*ECPV - Ciphering Indicator
SYNTAX - Unsolicited Result code
<switch> Description
1Ciphering indication is on. The unsolicited result code
*ECPV is sent anytime the communication is unsecured
and when it becomes secure again
0Ciphering indication is off. Disable the ciphering
indication, *ECPV is not sent
Description Response When
Set command informs
the TE when a
communication is
unsecured due to the
fact that the network
is not enciphering the
*ECPV: <ciphering> When AT*ECPI enables it,
the *ECPV:<ciphering> is
sent during a connection
whenever the
communication is not
enciphered. If a
connection becomes
secure after that, the
*ECPV:<ciphering> is sent
again to indicate that now
the communication is
<ciphering> Description
0The connection is secured. The network enciphers the
1The connection is unsecured. The netw ork does not
encipher the communication