LZT 123 7263 R1C
Extended Syntax Command
AT+<command>= [<parameter>]
• AT*<command>=[<parameter>]
Example! AT+CFUN=0<CR> (powers down the module)
If several values are included in the command, they are separated by
commas. It is also possible to enter commands with no values.
Additional commands may follow an extended syntax command on the
same command line if a semicolon (; IRA 3B) is inserted after the
preceeding extended command as a separator.
Read Command Syntax
The read command is used to check the current values of
parameters. Type ‘?’, after the command line:
• AT+<command>?
• AT*<command>?
• AT<command>?
Example! AT+CSCS?<CR> (show current character set)
<CR>“IRA”<CR>(information text response)
<CR>OK<CR>(final result code response)
Test Command Syntax
The test command is used to test whether the command has been
implemented or to give information about the type of subparameters it
contains. Type ‘?’, after the command line:
• AT+<command>=?
• AT*<command>=?
Example! AT+CPAS=?<CR> (shows supported values for the response
<CR>CPAS: (0, 3, 4, 129, 130, 131)<CR> (supported values)
<CR>OK<CR> (final result code)
If the indicated <parameter> is not recognized, the result code ERROR
is issued.
Note! Possible responses are indicated both as <command>:(list of
supported<parameter>) and (in most cases) the actual range of the
parameter values.