LZT 123 7263 R1C
<precedence> Description
0Subscribed (from network) valu e used
1High priority
2Normal priority
3Low priority
<delay> Description
0Subscribed (from network) value used
1-4 Delay class
<reliability> Description
0Subscribed (from network) value used
1-5 Reliability class
<peak> Description
0Subscribed (from network) value used
1Up to 1000 (8kbits/s)
2Up to 2000 (16kbits/s)
3Up to 4000 (32kbits/s)
4Up to 8000 (64kbits/s)
5Up to 16000 (128kbits/s)
6Up to 32000 (256kbits/s)
7Up to 64000 (512kbits/s)
8Up to 128000 (1024kbits/s)
9Up to 256000 (2048kbits/s)
<mean> Description
0Subscribed (from network) value used
1Best effort
2100 (~0.22bits/s)
3200 (~0.44bits/s)
4500 (~1.11bits/s)
51000 (~2.2bits/s)
62000 (~4.4bits/s)
75000 (~11.1bits/s)