Remote Operation Model GFC7001E Carbon Dioxide Analyzer
Teledyne Analytical Instruments 172
Example Read/Write Definition window:
Example Connection Setup window:
Example MODBUS Poll window:
The GFC 7001E/EM can be connected to a modem for remote access. This requires a cable between the
analyzer’s COMM port and the modem, typically a DB-9F to DB-25M cable (available from Teledyne with P/N
Once the cable has been connected, check to make sure:
The DTE-DCE is in the DCE position.
The GFC 7001E/EM COMM port is set for a baud rate that is compatible with the modem,
The modem is designed to operate with an 8-bit word length with one stop bit.
The MODEM ENABLE communication mode is turned on (Mode 64, see Table 8-1).