Troubleshooting & Repair Model GFC7001E Carbon Dioxide Analyzer
Teledyne Analytical Instruments 303 Adjusting the Sync/Demodulator, Circuit Gain

To adjust the sync/demodulator circuit gain:
1. Make sure that the analyzer is turned on and warmed up.
2. Set the analyzer display to show the STABIL or CO STB test function.
3. Apply Zero Air to Sample Inlet of the analyzer.
4. Wait until the stability reading falls below 1.0 ppm.
5. Change the analyzer display to show the CO MEAS.
6. Remove the Sync/Demod Housing
Remove the two mounting screws.
Carefully lift the housing to reveal the sync/demod PCA.


PCA Housing

Housing Mounting


Optical Bench

Figure 13-19: Location of Sync/Demod Housing Mounting Screws
7. Adjust potentiometer VR1 until CO MEAS reads 4500 mV ± 300 mV
R1Adjustment Made He re
Figure 13-20: Location of Sync/Demod Gain Potentiometer