EPA Calibration Protocol

Model GFC7001E Carbon Dioxide Analyzer


To ensure accurate measurements of the CO concentrations, calibrate the analyzer at the time of installation, and recalibrate it:

No later than three months after the most recent calibration or performance audit which indicate the analyzer’s calibration to be acceptable.

When there is an interruption of more than a few days in analyzer operation.

When any repairs have taken place which might affect its calibration.

After a physical relocation of the analyzer.

When any other indication (including excessive zero or span drift) of possible significant inaccuracy of the analyzer exists.

Following any of the activities listed above, the zero and span should be checked to determine if a calibration is necessary.

Table 10-2: Activity Matrix for Quality Assurance Checks


Acceptance limits

Frequency and method of








Mean temperature between

Check thermograph chart






Shelter temperature

22 C and 28 C (72


and 82 F),

weekly for variations greater


daily fluctuations not greater




than ±2oC




than ±2 C (4 F)

Sample introduction

No moisture, foreign material,



leaks, obstructions; sample line

Weekly visual inspection


connected to manifold











Adequate ink & paper




Legible ink traces



Weekly visual inspection

Correct chart speed and range


Correct time






Analyzer operational

TEST measurements at



nominal values



Weekly visual inspection




2. GFC 7001E in Sample Mode









Analyzer operational

Zero and span within tolerance

Level 1 zero/span every 2

limits as described in

weeks; Level 2 between Level



9.1.3 of Sec. 2.0.9

1 checks at frequency desired


(Q.A. Handbook Vol II4)

analyzer by user

Precision check

Assess precision as described

Every 2 weeks, Subsection

in Sec. 2.0.8 and Subsection

3.4.3 (Ibid.)



3.4.3 (Ibid.)











Action if requirements are not met

Mark strip chart for the affected time period

Repair or adjust temperature control

Clean, repair, or replace as needed

Replenish ink and paper supply

Adjust time to agree with clock; note on chart

Adjust or repair as needed

Find source of error and repair

After corrective action, re-calibrate analyzer

Calc, report precision, Sec. 2.0.8 (Ibid.)



Essential to quality assurance are scheduled checks for verifying the operational status of the monitoring system. The operator should visit the site at least once each week. It is recommended Level 1 zero and span check conducted on the analyzer every two weeks. Level 2 zero and span checks should be conducted at a frequency desired by the user. Definitions of these terms are given in Error! Reference source not found..

To provide for documentation and accountability of activities, a checklist should be compiled and then filled out by the field operator as each activity is completed.

Teledyne Analytical Instruments


Page 220
Image 220
Teledyne GFC 7001EM operation manual Calibration Frequency, Level 1 Calibrations Versus Level 2 Checks