Optional Hardware and Software Model GFC7001E Carbon Dioxide Analyzer
Teledyne Analytical Instruments 81
CO2 gas. The software is flexible enough to allow you to configure the alarms so that you can have 2 alarm
levels for each gas.
CO Alarm 1 = 20 PPM
CO Alarm 2 = 100 PPM
CO2 Alarm 1 = 20 PPM
CO2 Alarm 2 = 100 PPM
In this example, CO Alarm 1 & CO2 Alarm 1 will both be associated with the “Alarm 2” relay on the rear panel.
This allows you do have multiple alarm levels for individual gasses.
A more likely configuration for this would be to put one gas on the “Alarm 1” relay & the other gas on the “Alarm
2” relay.
CO Alarm 1 = 20 PPM
CO Alarm 2 = Disabled
CO2 Alarm 1 = Disabled
CO2 Alarm 2 = 100 PPM
“Alarm 4” Relay
This relay is connected to the “range bit”. If the instrument is configured for “Auto Range” & the
instrument goes up into the high range, it will turn this relay on.