U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL Ethernet/USB Router User Guide
The ifconfig command contains several forms to obtain information or configure an IP address for an interface. The first form configures the IP address and other parameters for the specified interface. The remaining forms display information about the interface(s).
<interface_name> The name of the interface. Possible values are “eth0”, “eth1”, “mer0”, “usb0”, “lo0”, “atm0”, “atm1”, “atm2”, “atm3”, “atm4”, “atm5”, “atm6”, “atm7”, “ppp0”, “ppp1”, “ppp2,” “ppp3”, “ppp4”, “ppp5”, “ppp6”, “ppp7”.
The IP address to be assigned to the interface.
netmask <mask>
The netmask is used to extract the network part from the IP address. It also specifies how much of the address is to be reserved for subdividing the network into
file:///P/T_WRITER/Documentation/Released/9003%20(Guinness)/User%20Guide/9003%20(Guiness)%20prac%20template/cli.htm (12 of 71) [11/6/2002 8:58:45 AM]