U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL Ethernet/USB Router User Guide

PPPoE (Point-to-Point Over Ethernet) Dial-up Internet connections typically use PPP protocol. PPPoE is a method for running PPP protocol over Ethernet. PPPoE… ·

offers service providers similar billing and access control with a presence in dial-up services.

provides a low-cost solution to multiple host maintenance at the customer premises.

provides session authentication using Password Authentication Protocol (PAP).

provides session authentication using Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP).

achieves session accounting and conservation of bandwidth by closing down unused sessions.

allows the IAD/Router and ISP link to easily negotiate network parameters.

PVC (Permanent Virtual Circuit) - Virtual connection between two fixed endpoints on the network. Frame relay and ATM networking term.

PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) Modulation method. Signal modulates or alters the duty cycle of the pulse. In PWM, the carrier is a pulse stream. Also called PDM (Pulse Duration Modulation).


QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) Modulation method used by modems and DSL equipment. Combines two amplitude-modulated (AM) signals into a single channel. The modem inserts the signals 90 degrees (one-quarter cycle) out of phase with each other. Engineers call this 90-degree phase shift "quadrature." QAM modulates both carrier phase and amplitude. Doubles effective bandwidth.


RAM (Random Access Memory) - Primary memory in a computer. The computer can overwrite this type of memory with new data. The "random access" part of RAM derives from the way RAM stores data: The computer can locate any bit of information in RAM in an equal amount of time. This fact applies regardless of where the bit resides.

RIP (Routing Information Protocol) - Routing protocol and part of the TCP/IP suite. RIP determines a route based on the smallest hop count between source and destination. RIP determines the smallest hop count by communicating with other routers within the network. Only use RIP if the target router also utilizes RIP.

RJ-11- Six-conductor modular telephone jack wired for up to four wires. The most common telephone jack in the world is the RJ-11. This connects telephone

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USRobotics U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL Ethernet/USB Router Robotics SureConnect Adsl Ethernet/USB Router User Guide