U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL Ethernet/USB Router User Guide
Leases represent which IP addresses are allocated to which machines and for how long. The list option lists all outstanding leases.
lease list
lease delete
1.11 RIP
RIP is a protocol that automatically updates the routing entries on the system. This is done by cooperating with other nearby routers. The RIP commands are located in the “rip” directory. Two commands are available: rip and ver. In order for any configuration changes to take effect, the configuration must be saved (with “save” command) and the system rebooted.
1.11.1 rip
rip starts and stops automated updates of routing tables. When RIP is enabled, the system communicates with other routers in the network to update and maintain the IP routing tables.
By default, RIP is not enabled. If RIP is enabled but no version is specified, RIP version 1 is used. This command is available in the “rip” directory.
Enables RIP processing. off
Disables RIP processing.
1.11.2 ver
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