U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL Ethernet/USB Router User Guide
deluser <username>
Deletes the specified user. This is an administrators command, ordinary users cannot use this.
1.16.3 modifyuser
modifyuser <username>
Modifies the properties of a user account.
<username> The name of the user whose services or permissions are to be modified.
modifyuser xyz
Allows user “xyz” to access the system via ftp. In addition, gives the user “xyz” ordinary permissions. In other words user “xyz” is not an administrator.
modifyuser abc
Prohibits user “abc” from accessing the system via http.
modifyuser xyz
Allows user “xyz” to access the system via ftp and prohibits that user from accessing the system via http. In addition, gives the user “xyz” ordinary permissions. In other words, user “xyz” is not an administrator.
1.16.4 changepasswd
changepasswd <username>
Changes password of the existing user. This is an administrators command, ordinary users cannot use this.
1.16.5 listusers
file:///P/T_WRITER/Documentation/Released/9003%20(Guinness)/User%20Guide/9003%20(Guiness)%20prac%20template/cli.htm (34 of 71) [11/6/2002 8:58:45 AM]