U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL Ethernet/USB Router User Guide
Main Menu=>Basic=>
Access Control
Enter 1 at the Basic Menu. The Access Control Menu appears. This menu provides the following options…
∙List Users. Lists currently defined users by type, and provides associated services. The user “root” is the default administrative login for the router.
∙Configure User. Opens the Configure User Menu, which allows you to add or delete users. Add users to enforce ACL (Access Control List) and proxy services. Options include…
§ User Name | § Password |
§Permissions (admin / ordinary)
∙Delete User. Allows you to delete users by user name.
∙Change Password. Allows you to change a user’s password. Options include…
§ | User Name | § | Old Password |
§ | New Password | § | Confirm Password |
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