Adding the Scanner to the Network
You will need the following information to configure the scanner on the network, please contact your network administrator for this information. You may want to print this page, fill in the table, and keep it for a reference as you will need this to proceed with the rest of the instructions in this section.
1 | DHCP Enable: | Choose ON to |
| With DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), a host is | |
| obtain the IP / Sub- | automatically given a unique IP address each time it connects | ||
| net / Gateway |
| to a network. Only turn on this option if a DHCP server is avail- | |
| addresses automati- | able on your network. | ||
| cally from the DHCP | The IP/Subnet/Gateway address fields will automatically fill | ||
| server. |
| after power cycling the scanner. Note that each time you power- |
| cycle the scanner, a new IP address may be assigned to the |
| scanner. |
| This option is turned off by default. |
2 | IP Address: | . | . | . | An IP (Internet Protocol) address uniquely identifies a host con- |
| nection to an IP network. If you manually input an IP address in | |||
| |
| this field, it does not change when the scanner is |
3 | Subnet Mask: | . | . | . | The subnet mask address assigned by your network administra- |
| tor or by the DHCP server. |
4 | Gateway IP: | . | . | . | The gateway IP address assigned by your network administrator |
| or by the DHCP server. |
5 | DNS Server: | . | . | . | The DNS (Domain Name System) server identifies hosts via |
| names instead of IP addresses. If the DNS server is available on | |||
| your network, you can enter the domain name instead of num- |
| bers for the IP address. |
Please note that the section Adding the Email Server Information on page 26 also contains a table of data required for setting the scanner to send email messages. You will need to get the information listed in that table from your network administrator as well.
Xerox DocuMate 3920 | 23 |
User’s Guide |