Mea t play s a sign ific ant role in the diet;

therefor e, one of the pri mary goal s in food


preparation is proper nutrit ion . Meat is one of the

best sour ces of protein;

is a rich sou rce of B

vit amins suc h as thiam ine , ribof lavi n, and

niaci n;

and includes fats, carbo hydr ates, minerals ,


pigments, enz ymes, and wate r.


All of these

elemen ts are affec ted by cookin g,

but over-heatin g destroy s many of them. Low

tem pera ture Halo Heat cooki ng helps preserve

unstable, hea t-sensitive

vit ami ns and nutrients .

A repo rt on the Nutrien t Analysi s of Roast Beef ,

con ducted by the Unive rsi ty of Wisconsi n-Stou t

in July 1971, concluded, “…it is appa rent that the

Alt o-S haam coo kin g meth od result s in lower

moisture losses.

Even after a 24 hou r holdi ng

perio d, the Alto-Shaam

prod uct is nut rit ion ally

equ al to, and possibly

better than beef roast cooke d

in a convention al ove n and removed immediat ely aft er cooking .”

Fat contrib utes greatly to the flavo r of meat. During the cooking process, fat not only melt s, but also cha nges chemically. With low temp erature coo king there is les s che mical change and less fat melt result ing in a more flavo rful finis hed product.

The enzyme s found in meat break down the tissues and act as natur al tend erizing agents. A premiu m price is paid for aged meats where this enzyme action has alread y start ed; however, enz yme s are destro yed by hig h temperatu res .

Low tempe rature cookin g does not destr oy these enzym es and, parti cula rly in the hold cycle, creat es this nat ural chemic al action to tend eriz e or age the meat right in the oven. For this reason, it is import ant to use fres h beef and it is essenti al to allow the product to remain in the hol d cycle for at least the mini mum amount of tim e suggest ed in the indivi dual procedu res. The longe r meat is left in the hold cyc le the more tender it becomes , maki ng the purcha se of more exp ensive , aged meat unneces sary.

Meat is seventy to seve nty-fi ve percen t water. High tempe ratu res cause this water to eva porat e during coo king resul ting in loss of produ ct moist ure. Cookin g at low tempe ratures in a Halo Heat ove n retains the maximum amount of water conten t result ing in a juici er finishe d produc t and an ext ended hold ing life.

Along wit h better nutriti on, a more tender finishe d product, less shrinka ge and highe r

moist ure conte nt, meat will not require the addit ion of as much salt as need ed with con ventio nal cooking methods . Natu ral fla vors are pres erved . This is a signi fica nt fac tor in today ’s hea lth

consc ious die ts.


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Alto-Shaam MN-28656 manual LOW Temperature Cooking Introduction, Mea t play s a sign ific ant role in the diet

MN-28656 specifications

The Alto-Shaam MN-28656 is a high-performance, versatile cooking oven designed to meet the demands of modern commercial kitchens. Renowned for its innovative features and advanced technology, this unit stands out as a reliable solution for chefs who prioritize precision, efficiency, and quality in food preparation.

One of the standout features of the MN-28656 is its patented Halo Heat technology. This unique heating system delivers even, consistent heat throughout the cooking chamber, ensuring that food is cooked evenly and retained at the desired serving temperature without the risk of drying out. The result is enhanced food quality and improved presentation, critical in the competitive food service industry.

The MN-28656 offers a robust cooking capacity, making it ideal for busy kitchens. Whether for baking, roasting, or holding, this oven can accommodate various dishes, from delicate pastries to large roasts. With its spacious interior, chefs can maximize productivity during peak hours.

Incorporating user-friendly digital controls, the MN-28656 allows for precise temperature settings and cooking times, giving chefs greater control over the cooking process. This digital interface simplifies operation and offers programming options, enabling users to save their favorite recipes and streamline food preparation tasks.

Energy efficiency is another key characteristic of the Alto-Shaam MN-28656. Its design minimizes energy consumption, helping operators reduce utility costs while contributing to sustainability efforts. The oven is engineered to maintain optimal performance while using less energy compared to traditional cooking methods.

Durability and ease of maintenance are also central to the design of the MN-28656. Constructed from high-quality stainless steel, it presents a sleek appearance while being easy to clean and resistant to everyday wear and tear. The thoughtful design minimizes maintenance downtime, ensuring that the equipment remains in peak condition.

Overall, the Alto-Shaam MN-28656 is a state-of-the-art cooking oven that combines cutting-edge technology with practical functionality. Its Halo Heat technology, spacious design, user-friendly controls, energy efficiency, and robust construction make it an excellent choice for any commercial kitchen seeking to elevate their culinary offerings while optimizing operational efficiency. Whether preparing large volumes of food or delicate dishes, the MN-28656 delivers consistent results that meet the highest standards of quality and taste.