Component (P25, 62, 90)
A signal system used to send a color signal
(C)with it divided into a
Composite (P25, 64)
A video signal system used to send a bright- ness signal (Y) and a color signal (C) together. Connect the composite output (RCA) terminal on the AV equipment and the VIDEO IN terminal on this projector with a video cable. Select [VIDEO] at projection.
Digital PC (P25, 35)
A signal system used to send digital informa- tion of individual display dots. This system is free from deterioration of image quality because of no analog conversion. Connect the DVI output terminal on the computer and Input
DVI (P35, 46, 63, 68)
A digital video signal connection interface for a computer and AV equipment. This interface allows digital data to be transmitted without converting to analog data, assuring high image quality with no signal degradation. The
Gain (P103)
A parameter that adjusts the reproduction range of a brightness signal from black to white within the image signal to naturally reproduce it on the screen. The reproducibil- ity of the bright tone is mainly changed. Since you can adjust the gain for each RGB color in this projector, you can also adjust colors. The gain is normally adjusted with the offset.
Gamma Correction (P102, 104)
A tone adjustment system used during pro- jection of image data. The gamma correction function works effectively when portions of an image are obscure because they are too light or dark.
This projector supports manual gamma cor- rection and dynamic gamma correction which performs the gamma correction auto- matically.
HDCP (P63, 68)
An abbreviation of
HDMI (P63, 68)
A digital video signal connection interface for an AV equipment. Its terminal is more com- pact than the DVI terminal. It allows to trans- mit video and audio signals simultaneously.