Chapter 6 Diagnosing Problems
Table 19. LCD Message Troubleshooting Table (continued)
Displayed Message
Can User Correct?
PLAT INV CMD* | No | Fatal firmware error on | Contact your authorized |
| controller board. | customer service engineer.1 |
PLAT INV PARM* | No | Fatal firmware error on | Contact your authorized |
| controller board. | customer service engineer.1 |
PLAT INV STATE* | No | Fatal firmware error on | Contact your authorized |
| controller board. | customer service engineer.1 |
POWER SAVER MODE | N/A | Status message: | No action required. |
| printer is in |
| idle state, all fans and |
| higher voltages are |
| off, only +5Vdc logic |
| circuits are active. |
POWER SUPPLY HOT* | No | Circuits are | Contact your authorized |
| overheating on the | customer service engineer.1 |
| power supply board. |
PRINTER HOT* | No | Controller board | Contact your authorized |
| sensors report high | customer service engineer.1 |
| temperatures on the |
| board. |
PROTECTED INSTR* | No | Fatal firmware error on | Contact your authorized |
| controller board. | customer service engineer.1 |
PWR SUPP VOLT * | No | Power supply failed. | Replace power supply board. |
RIBBON INK OUT | Yes | The RibbonMinder | Replace ribbon or press CLEAR |
| program is warning | for two additional minutes of |
| that the amount of ink | printing before the fault displays |
| in the ribbon has | again. See “RibbonMinder” |
| reached 0%. | chapter. |
RIB INVLD CMD* | No | Fatal firmware error on | Contact your authorized |
| controller board. | customer service engineer.1 |
RIB INVLD STATE* | No | Fatal firmware error on | Contact your authorized |
| controller board. | customer service engineer.1 |
RIBBON DRIVE* | No | CMX controller does | Contact your authorized |
| not detect ribbon drive | customer service engineer.1 |
| motor. |
SECURITY | No | Security code of PAL | Contact your authorized |
| on controller board | customer service engineer.1 |
| does not match code |
| of firmware on the |
| controller board. |