Chapter 4 Digital LG
•No. The default. Any print data received past the forms width setting is discarded.
•Yes. An automatic carriage return and line feed is performed when data is received past the forms width setting.
CR (Carriage Return)
The CR option controls the action of the printer when it receives a Carriage Return code (hex 0D) from the host computer.
•CR = CR. The default. No line feed is added to a Carriage Return.
•CR = CR + LF. If this feature is enabled, each time the printer receives a Carriage Return, it inserts an additional Line Feed code (hex 0A) into the data stream. (Do not use this feature if the host computer sends Line Feeds to the printer with each Carriage Return.)
LF (Line Feed)
The LF option controls the action of the printer when it receives a Line Feed code (hex 0A) from the host computer.
•LF = LF. The default. No Carriage Return is added to a Line Feed.
•LF = CR + LF. Each time the printer receives a Line Feed, it inserts an additional Carriage Return code (hex 0D) into the data stream. This feature can be used in most installations, but it is required if the host computer does not send Carriage Returns to the printer.
Unsolicited Rpt.
This option enables or disables Printer Device Status Reports to be sent to the host when a reportable status or error condition has occurred. For further information on Device Status Reports, refer to the “Printer Status Requests and Reports” section in the Digital Emulation chapter of the DEC LG Emulation LG Programmer’s Reference Manual.
NOTE: This option will work properly only if the printer has the serial interface selected, and the RTS option on the host interface serial menu is set to True (see page 104).
•No. The default. Disables all unsolicited status reports from the printer.
•Small. Enables brief unsolicited status reports and sends an extended status report to the host.
•Big. Enables extended, unsolicited status reports and sends an extended status report to the host.