Proprinter XL Emulation
Define LF Code
•LF = LF. Does not perform an automatic carriage return when a line feed command is received. The next print position will be the current print position of the next line.
•LF = CR + LF. Forces an automatic carriage return with each line feed command received. The next print position is print position 1 of the next line.
FF Valid at TOF
•Enable. Performs a form feed when the host sends a Form Feed command and the printer is at the top of form.
•Disable. Will not perform a form feed when the host sends a Form Feed command and the printer is at the top of form.
Character Set
Specifies the active character set. To use one of these sets, choose the desired character set and press ENTER. The desired set will be starred to indicate your selection. Code Page 437 is the default.
Alternate Char Set
This option determines if data in the range of hex 80 through hex 9F should be interpreted as a control code or as a printable character.
•Set 1. Interprets data in the range of hex 80 through hex 9F as a control code.
•Set 2. Prints data for the characters at hex locations 03, 04, 05, 06, 15 and 80 through 9F.
20 CPI Condensed
Compressed print characters are narrower than the normal character set. This is helpful for applications where you need to print the maximum amount of information on a page.
•Enable. Prints characters about 60 percent the width of normal characters when compressed print is chosen by the host computer.
•Disable. Does not compress print widths, even if condensed print is chosen by the host.