interface | The hardware components used to link two devices by |
| common physical interconnection, signal, and functional |
| characteristics. |
invoke | To put into effect or operation. |
ipm | Abbrev. for inches per minute. A measurement of the |
| speed of a printer printing in graphics print mode (plotting |
| speed). |
italic | A slanted type style. This is an italic type style. |
| L |
landscape | Printed perpendicular to the paper motion. |
LCD | Abbrev. for |
| the control panel. Its purpose is to communicate |
| information to the operator concerning the operating |
| state of the printer. |
LED | Abbrev. for |
| has LEDs that indicate the status of the printer to the |
| operator. |
logical link | The parameters that specify data transfer, control, or |
| communication operations. |
lpi | Abbrev. for lines per inch. A measurement indicating the |
| vertical spacing between successive lines of text. For |
| example, 8 lpi means eight lines of text for every vertical |
| inch. |
lpm | Abbrev. for lines per minute. A measurement of the print |
| speed of a line printer printing in text print mode. |
| M |
monospaced | See font, monospaced. |
| N |
NLQ | Abbrev. for near letter quality font. |
nonvolatile memory Nonvolatile memory stores variables that must be preserved when the printer is turned off, such as configuration parameters and printer usage statistics. Nonvolatile memory is preserved by means of an independent,
NVRAM | Acronym for nonvolatile random access memory. See |
| nonvolatile memory. |