Table B-1. Configuration Utility Messages (continued)
Message | Probable Cause | Corrective Action |
No more DMA values can | No more values are avail- | |
be added. | able for the resource you are | |
| trying to add or modify. |
No more | interrupt val- |
ues can | be added. |
No more | memory values |
can be added.
The maximum number of values for each resource is as follows:
•4 DMA channels
•7 IRQ lines
•9 memory address blocks
•20 I/O ports
No more I/O port val- ues can be added.
To free values for the resource you are trying to add or modify, delete some of the values listed in the resource box for the card. If your card requires all of the values listed, contact your card manu- facturer to resolve the issue.
The ICU detects
a resource conflict between this card and conflicting_card. The conflicting resource was: resource.
You added or modified a card that now requires
aresource value already in use by conflicting_card.
Try each of the following options until the prob- lem is resolved:
•Modify the card you are adding so that it uses a different value for resource. See “Modi- fying a Card” in Chapter 3 for instructions.
•Modify conflicting_card so that it uses a different value for resource. See “Modi- fying a Card” in Chapter 3 for instructions.
•If conflicting_card is not the system board, remove it from the computer. See “Removing a Card” in Chapter 3 for instructions.
•Remove all expansion cards from the ICU, and then add them back one at a time, begin- ning with the new card and resolving resource conflicts as they arise. See “Remov- ing a Card” and “Adding a Listed Card” or “Adding an Unlisted Card” in Chapter 3 for instructions.
•If you cannot resolve the resource conflict by any of the preceding methods, remove the new card. If you were modifying an existing card, reset the modified card to its previous resource value.
NOTE: For the full name of an abbreviation or acronym used in this table, see the Glossary in the online System User’s Guide.
ISA Configuration Utility Messages |