2.Start the ICU.
See “Starting the ICU” found earlier in this chapter.
3.Select Locking Enabled from the Advanced menu in the ICU window.
A check mark next to Locking Enabled signifies that the feature is active; a Lock button appears on the tool bar.
4.Select the Plug and Play or PCI expansion card that you want to lock or unlock from the Cards Configured in System list.
5.Click Lock or select Lock/Unlock Card from the Advanced menu.
Both options toggle the lock state of the selected card.
Locking and Unlocking Configuration Resources
You can also lock and unlock individual resources for a Plug and Play or PCI expansion card. To do so, perform the following steps:
1.If it is not already installed, install the Plug and Play or PCI expansion card. Then turn on the system.
Complete steps 2 through 9 in “Installing an Expan- sion Card” in Chapter 6.
2.Start the ICU.
See “Starting the ICU” found earlier in this chapter.
3.Select Locking Enabled from the Advanced menu in the ICU window.
A check mark next to Locking Enabled signifies that the feature is active; a Lock button appears on the tool bar.
4.Select the Plug and Play or PCI expansion card that you want to lock or unlock from the Cards Configured in System list.
5.Click Modify or select Modify Card from the Con- figure menu.
6.From the Card Configuration dialog box, select the function you want to lock or unlock.
7.Click Settings.
8.Modify the resource setting and/or resources offered on the Configuration Settings dialog box, if necessary.
See “Modifying a Card” found earlier in this chapter for more information.
9.Select Lock Resources.
The Lock Resources box toggles the lock state of the selected configuration setting.
10.Repeat steps 6 through 9 for any other configura- tion settings that you want to lock or unlock.
11.Click OK in the Card Configuration dialog box when you have finished making your selections.